DynamiCare Health Is Featured in Global News by the Associated Press for Addressing the Stimulant Epidemic
This is a huge win for those living with substance use disorders. The original Associated Press article has also been picked up by The Washington Post and many other media outlets. We are grateful that the global media is realizing and covering the wide-ranging benefits of contingency management (CM) in helping heal people with all types of addiction - from opioids to nicotine.
With the rise in opioid deaths during the pandemic, in addition to the recent doubling of meth overdose rates in 60% of states, it is past time to use proven methods like CM that make recovery accessible and cost-effective.
The small rewards and incentives that make CM successful trigger the same dopamine receptors that substances trigger. This is part of why CM is such an effective addiction therapy.
In the article, Maureen Walsh who uses CM delivered through DynamiCare's Digital Recovery Platform says, “The reward to me was knowing that I was clean and the test showed it''.
The article says, “When she passes a saliva test, she earns cash on a smart card. She uses the money to treat herself to a new pair of shoes or make a donation to a favorite cause.”
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